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Lot 7 - Mr. V8 614/6 - 5 Units of Semen

High bid
10 years 14 weeks 6 days 3 hours 32 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. V8 614/6 - 5 Units of Semen
JDH Sir Avery Manso
JDH Marri Holly Manso
XX, 4.6, 32.4, 50.1, 3.2

Final Price = 5 x Bid Price

Donor: Mark Jolly & V8 Ranch

SELLING: Five units of Mr. V8 614/6  semen with 5 ABBA AI certificates. Extra certificates will cost $250 apiece. Selling by the unit x 5 in $25 increments.


Mr. V8 614/6 is a unique herd sire; he is the leading son of the legendary JDH Sir Avery Manso bull and out of the world renowned JDH Marri Holly Manso cow, who was the National Grand Champion Gray Brahman Female in 2000.  Mr. V8 614/6 had a tremendous Championship career in Junior and Open shows; however his superior trait leading genetic make-up and his prepotency is helping launch him into the status of becoming a “breed great.”  By mating 614/6 to a diverse pedigree base, his offspring are outstanding.  Further adding to his list of illustrious credentials, Mr. V8 614 semen is of top quality.  Transova Genetics and Sexing Technologies have great success in their sexing processes when reverse sorting and utilizing him for IVF, or conventional flushes.        

Mark Jolly of Lone Star Land and Cattle Company is extremely proud to donate 5 units of Mr. V8 614/6 semen to the LMC Giving Thanks Sale, whereas all proceeds will be donated to the American Junior Brahman Association to assist in benefiting our youth programs.  Along with the semen, the successful bidder will receive 5 breeding certificates.  Additional certificates will cost $250.00 each. 

This will be the only remaining semen sold on Mr. V8 614/6 in 2014. 

We thank you for bidding with a giving heart.  Our family wishes everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving, and a great breeding season with Mr. V8 614/6.


Other Lot Images
JDH Lady Bohannon 447/6 (JDH Datapac Manso x JDH Marri Holly Manso). Lady Bohannon is a half sister to Mr. V8 614/6.
JDH Lady Bohannon 447/6 (JDH Datapac Manso x JDH Marri Holly Manso).  Lady Bohannon is a half sister to Mr. V8 614/6.

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