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Lot 7 - Mr. TSF 9429 - ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Bull

High bid
3 years 16 weeks 15 hours 3 min 35 sec ago
Lot Information:
Mr. TSF 9429
ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 Bull
Sire: JDH Sir Neeley Manso 971/8
Dam: EA Hyalite Lady 5067

This ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Angus F-1 bull offers so much!  He is low birth weight, moderate in his frame size, explosive in his rib shape, heavy muscled, big boned, and level made.  Additionally, as you might expect from this great cross 9429 is average for his ribeye measurement/carcass weight and is well into the Choice grade indicating that the majority of his offspring should grade.

BW    WW    Current Wt.    SC    REA    REA/CWT    %IMF    Fat    Rump Fat
64      690     1870                43    12.4      1.1               4.9        .11    .21

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