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Lot 7 - +Mr H Maddox Manso 684 x + Lady H Mariposa Manso 727 - 3 Embryos

High bid
10 years 50 weeks 5 days 7 hours 25 min ago
Lot Information:
+Mr H Maddox Manso 684 x + Lady H Mariposa Manso 727 - 3 Embryos
+Mr H Maddox Manso 684
+ Lady H Mariposa Manso 727

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

This mating has produced two herd bulls. One for Wade Watkins, Mr. H Bronx Manso 37/8. And our Senior Sire, Mr. H Cason Manso 49/8. The Cason 49/8 is siring beautiful, dark pigmented offspring that have the rib shape and top you would expect from the Maddox 684 bloodlines. If your in Houston, walk down our aisle and look for Kayla Mason's bull -  Mr. H Aggie Manso  405/3, Darcy Lavergne's heifer - Lady H Calie Manso 335/2, and Katlyn Kempen's heifer - Lady H Happy Manso 420/3. They are all sired by Mr. H Cason Manso 49/8. Here is an opportunity to raise your own sire!

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+Mr H Maddox Manso 684 - Sire of Embryos
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Mr. H Cason Manso 49/8 - Full Brother to Embryos

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