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Lot 7 - Mr Broken Triangle 317

High bid
9 years 19 weeks 5 days 19 hours 19 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr Broken Triangle 317
Mr Red America 777/8
Miss Broken Triangle 504
Actual BW: 88, BW: 2.0 WW: 15.4 YW: 24.7 M: 8.3

REA/CWT: 1.1, IMF%: 3.5, Rib Fat: .28, Rump Fat: .37, Scrotal Cir: 37 cm

Mr Broken Triangle 317 is a November 22, 2013 coming two-year-old red Brahman herd bull prospect. This dark red bull has great potential. He is sired by a full brother to the International Champion Troubadour bull, bred by the Swaner family. His dam is a really good uddered Broken Triangle female that has produced many embryos for us.

317’s BW EPD is 2.0 and his milk EPD is 8.3. His REA/CWT is 1.1 and his IMF% is 3.5. He has a great disposition and promises to be one of the top picks in this sale.

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