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Lot 7 - MISS V8 472/7

High bid
13 years 23 weeks 2 days 19 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
MISS V8 472/7
MISS V8 271/6
BW: 4.0 WW: 34.0 YW: 47.0 M: 8.0

A full sister to Emily Jernigan’s top show heifer Miss V8 122/7. Emily’s heifer has been a consistent winner the past year and has always given her a chance to be in the winner’s circle every time shown.  This heifer is very similar in phenotype except a larger framed version.  She will be a powerful heifer next summer at the All American.  She is the only fall show prospect selling.

If you come to look at the heifers before the sale, you’ll have to stop by the V8 show barn to see this one…because she’s one that’s currently halter broke and in our show string. We love this yearling heifer! She’s a +JDH Karu Manso 800 daughter out of a Superstroke cow. You’ll notice the matriarch donor +Miss V8 571/3 on the bottom side of the pedigree. Remember the Acevedo’s full sisters who won International Champion and Reserve Champion a few years back?  This heifer stems from the same cow family as those two world-beaters. She’s the phenom who also produced +Miss V8 600/4 “Whitney”, +Miss V8 264/5, Miss V8 263/5, +Miss V8 606/5 (Acevedo’s heifers mother), and many more greats. This bloodline is a rare find that is one that has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for the ranch through the years. She’s very feminine, deep-ribbed, and has that great look that the 571 descendents are known for. She’ll show - then make a front pasture donor.

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