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Lot 7 - Miss KI 181 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
1 year 42 weeks 2 days 19 min 59 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss KI 181
Sire: Mr. V8 628/7
Dam: JDH Lady Philou Manso 910/4

Study this package closely as Miss KI 181 fits the bill for ALL cattlemen combining an amazing build, proven genetics, and breed leading performance.  For starters, you have to appreciate the build of 181 that is heavy structured, high volumed, thick ended, and all wrapped up in an eye appealing and feminine package.  Study the pedigree of 181 and you will see that she is the result of two of our most proven animals.  The sire to 181 is Mr. V8 628/7 who is our most performance-oriented sire, a full brother to the Reserve National Champion & top selling semen sire Mr. V8 259/7, and one of the few bulls in the breed to produce sexed semen validating his fertility.  A semen package on 628/7 sells as lot 13.  The dam to Miss KI 181 is JDH Lady Philou Manso 910/4 (also the dam to lot 5) who is sired by an outcross Australian sire and out of a proven cross that combines +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso and JDH Lady Jackie Manso, one of the most prolific cows for J.D. Hudgins producing 67 offspring until she was 16 years of age.  As you might expect resulting from these proven parents 181 charts positive for 14 of the 16 performance traits measured by ABBA. 

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Sire: Mr. V8 628/7
Sire: Mr. V8 628/7
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Dam: JDH Lady Philou Manso 910/4
Dam: JDH Lady Philou Manso 910/4

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