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Lot 7 - Miss J&M Audrey 117/7 - Bred Cow

High bid
3 years 16 weeks 6 days 13 hours 6 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss J&M Audrey 117/7
Sire: (+)JDH Atlas Manso 328/3
Dam: Miss J&M Sexada 729/4
Bred Cow
Consignor: KI Cattle Company
There is a lot to appreciate about this red tinged, attractive, long, level, feminine, and big bodied female with a nice udder.  In addition to her superior phenotype Miss J&M Audrey 117/7 is backed by one of the most proven and exclusive pedigrees in the breed.  She is sired by the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Atlas Manso 328/3 who has been one of the most successfully used sires around the world with close to 400 progeny registered in the United States which includes progeny that have reached the Register of Renown, awarded as Maternal Merit Cows, show winners, top sellers, donor dams, and sires.  It should be noted that Atlas semen is NOT available in the United States. 
The dam to 117/7 is sired by the Reserve International Champion and Register of Renown Sire +Mr. V8 777/4 and out of JDH Ms. Risinger Manso who has produced 38 registered progeny to include the influential dam +Ms. Remington Manso 673/0 and the proven herd sire Mr. CC General Lee 333/1. 
The first progeny of 117/7 is selling as lot 8. 
Miss J&M Audrey 117/7 is selling bred 6 months to Mr. V8 335/8 #988693 a top son of +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble”. 
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Service Sire: Mr. V8 335/8

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