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Lot 7 - Makayla Torres - Steer

High bid
3 years 46 weeks 1 day 13 hours 34 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Makayla Torres
Club: Big Cypress 4-H Steer
Weight: 1247

Lot 7 - #44 - Makayla Torres: My name is Makayla Torres, I am 17 years old and I live on the Big Cypress Reservation. This is my first year in the Seminole Tribe 4-H program raising a steer. All I can say is I wish I would have joined 4-H a lot sooner! I have learned a lot while working with my steer like patience. You have to take your time while working with them. Being the sole person responsible to make sure he is fed and watered daily with a clean stall has been rewarding. After selling my steer, I will use the money to purchase next year’s 4-H project and save the rest for college. I plan to attend the University of Miami

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