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Lot 7 - LMC Madison Amigo 5/7

High bid
5 years 35 weeks 4 days 1 hour 17 min ago
Lot Information:
Lot 7 - LMC Madison Amigo 5/7
LMC Polled Madison 133/0
KPBR Polled Kelly Bee
BW 1.2, WW 16.2, YW 17.6, MILK 5.5
La Muneca Cattle Co.

Lot 7 


5/7 is a two year old, fertility tested, dark pigmented, larger framed, flat hipped bull with a clean sheath ready to go breed some cows. He is a line bred +LMC LF Ambassador being sired by LMC Polled Madison and a daughter of LMC Polled Dakota, an Ambassador son that our good friend Kelly Barnard used to build his herd around. We bought 5/7’s dam from Kelly because of the cow family that she is from as they are very sound uddered and fertile.  7 of the 8 cattle in her 3rd generation pedigree are JDH & V8 cattle. We still have the great grand dam in production. 

His sire is the popular LMC Polled Madison who is A TRUE BEEF MACHINE as seen below. He is an Ambassador son out of a line bred JDH Madison de Manso JDH cow. His sons recently were the #1, 3 & 4 top scanning bulls at the ABBA Performance Bull Text. Another son topped that sale which is further proof how well our polled genetics are working and have been accepted in the commercial world. 

Breeding Age Brahman bulls are hard to find this late in the season. Here is a good one that you can buy right in this sale. 


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Sire - LMC Polled Madison

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