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Lot 7 - Lady H Lily Manso 214/1

High bid
13 years 26 weeks 2 days 12 hours 55 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady H Lily Manso 214/1
May 14, 2011
Mr. V8 442
+ Lady H Alexi Manso 790

Full sister to Lot 4 !!  Just as good as her sister - some say even better ?? I am not so sure.. But I will tell you these 790 daughters out of the V8 442 bull are special !! Let me encourage you to do a couple of things. FIRST buy one of these 790 daughters for yourself and SECOND get some semen from the Williams family on their 442 bull. Take a look at Lily 214/1 she is dark pigmented, up headed, well muscled with a long level hip.  She walks on correct feet and stands on excellent bone. The performance genetics bred into Lily are nearly impossible to duplicate or purchase. Karu 800, Charley 590, Double Take 229/8, Copano 839/9 ! We have always given our customers the opportunity to own our best. No exceptions here.

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