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Lot 7 - K-One Mr Big Easy ET

High bid
7 years 20 weeks 3 days 1 hour 1 min ago
Lot Information:
K-One Mr Big Easy ET
TH 71U 719T Mr Hereford 11x P43101172
Boyd SSF Lady Shrek 072
BW: 3.0 WW: 55 YW: 81 MM: 31 MG: 58
Herd Sire Alert!!!

This Mr Hereford Son is a Full Sib to Lot 5. He is Dark Red, Soggy Made, and Thick Ended. He has the type dam that you want in a Herd Sire, a true Maternal Matron. He is also the sire of the calves on the side of the 9 and 11 pairs.

Whether you plan to use him in your Hereford Herd, or on a set of Brahman cows, he should have a place in your future.

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