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Lot 7 - Female Sexed Pregnancy - Lady L Romelda Rojo 201 X 3X-HK Arquitecto 920

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6 years 50 weeks 9 hours 35 min 59 sec ago
Lot Information:
Female Sexed Pregnancy - Lady L Romelda Rojo 201 X 3X-HK Arquitecto 920
3X-HK Arquitecto 920
Lady L Romelda Rojo 201
4L Cattle Company

Lot 7

3X-HK Arquitecto 920 x Lady L Romelda Rojo 201 Female Sexed Pregnancy due June 2018

Here’s an opportunity to purchase a Heifer calf pregnancy out of a flushmate to the 2018 International Reserve Grand Champion Red Female…….Lady L Romelda Rojo 201 herself has be a many time division champion. Perhaps her proudest moment was being crowned Calf Champion at the 2017 San Antonio Livestock Show. She is Sired by +TJF Mr Smokin Gun 109/7 and out of the Heritage donor Lady H Trisha Rojo 61/9; who is part of what is arguably the strongest cow family in the business.

The sire of this pregnancy is 3X-HK Arquitecto 920; The resulting progeny will have a very unique genotype as Arquitecto is sired by HK Blueprint and from a Mr 3X Millenium 2000 daughter. 920 is quickly making a name for himself, siring numerous champions worldwide. Buy with confidence as this is a truly great genetic package!

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