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Lot 7 - Female Sexed Embryos: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 X Miss V8 491/7

High bid
2 years 39 weeks 3 days 21 hours 28 sec ago
Lot Information:
Female Sexed Embryos: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 X Miss V8 491/7
Sire: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 #927662
Dam: Miss V8 491/7 #896594

Price = 3 X Bid

One of our favorite, most utilized, and proven donors is Miss V8 491/7.  We first knew of 491/7 when we purchased one of her daughters, Miss V8 798/8, from V8 Ranch.  Two years ago, Jim Williams offered us this cow and we took advantage of the opportunity.  Not only do we like the proven production of 491/7 as a result of her superior offspring and average of 44 oocytes per aspiration but she comes backed by a breed leading pedigree and ranks in the top 2% of the breed for 7 traits to include Growth, Ribeye Area, and Marbling.  The sire of 491/7 is the National and International Champion, multi-trat leader for performance, and Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Karu Manso 800.  The dam to this proven donor is +Miss V8 464/6 who was a former International & World Brahman Congress Grand Champion Female.  Although 464/6 had a storied show career it is her proven production that has garnered her the most fame with +Mr. V8 191/7, Mr. V8 194/7 and 58 other progeny to her credit.
To produced these female sexed embryos we mated her to +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4 who has been one of the most influential sires of the past 4 years with National Champion, International Champion, and Show Bull of the Year winners to his credit.  As a result of his show ring success the limited semen available on Maximus has exceeded $6,000/per straw.

The work is done!  Don’t miss this proven genetic opportunity.

Selling 3 female sexed embryos with a guarantee of one 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a licensed technician.  If no pregnancy is achieved on the first three embryos one final embryo will be given.

Other Lot Images
Sire: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4
Sire: +Mr. WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4

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