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Lot 7 - Embryos: +Mr. 3H X-Ray 825 X LMC LF Polled Harley 141/0 (P)

High bid
1 year 38 weeks 6 days 13 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
Sire: +Mr. 3H X-Ray 825 #775361
Dam: LMC LF Polled Harley 141/0 (P) #1029415

Purchase Price= 3 X Bid

Surprised to see RED Brahmans in a Sandglass Ranch Sale??? Don’t be!  We have purchased some of the top red genetics in the breed and are anxiously awaiting their arrival.  We think this embryo package is one that could be extremely exciting and like most of our matings it was carefully planned.  Two years ago we were at La Muneca Cattle Company and saw an AMAZING red Brahman heifer calf.  We inquired about her and a price was given.  We studied the pedigree and immediately made the purchase.  We think that LMC LF Polled Harley 141/0 (P) is “picture perfect” (Mr. Guerra would say she is “PERFECTION IN THE FLESH”).  You have to love the bone, huge body, muscle, levelness, and femininity that she offers.  As might be expected Polled Harley is a daughter of LMC LN Polled Pappo who has been established as one of the top polled red sires in the world due to the success of his offspring in the show ring and the marketplace.  Where we really find value in Polled Harley is her dam who stems from LMC LF Polled Muneca 152/4 that is the foundation cow for HM Cattle Co.  We have purchased an aspiration on 152/4, two daughters, and this grand daughter which should all indicate our belief in her!  If you can’t tell we LOVE Polled Harley and think that she can be a real asset to our program.  We virgin aspirated Polled Harley to the legendary sire with over 500 progeny registered in the United States +Mr. 3H X-Ray 825.  Little introduction needs to be given to this iconic sire who has sired National & International Champions, Show Animals of the Year, Register of Renown offspring, breed influencers, and due to his superiority was cloned.  We used X-Ray for several reasons in this mating.   First, he is a proven sire that has been used very little in the polled population.  Secondly, we think that he will further “pretty up” Harley making the resulting offspring extremely eye appealing.  Lastly, the most prominent red genetics in Polled Harley’s pedigree is the legendary +Winchester Magnum and the “signature red cross” is the influence of X-Ray x Winchester Magnum.

We are offering our BEST in this sale!  Study this opportunity and join us in producing some of the top polled red Brahmans in the breed.

Selling three embryos with a guarantee of one 60 day pregnancy if implanted by a licensed embryo technician.  If no pregnancy results from the first three embryos one final embryo will be given.

Other Lot Images
Sire of Embryos: +Mr. 3H X-Ray 825
Sire of Embryos: +Mr. 3H X-Ray 825
Other Lot Images
Daughter of Polled Harley that is owned by La Muneca Cattle Co.
Daughter of Polled Harley that is owned by La Muneca Cattle Co.

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