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Lot 7 - Butler Signo 12/6 - Guzerat Bull

High bid
7 years 12 weeks 6 days 19 hours 30 min ago
Lot Information:
Butler Signo 12/6
#JMOC Jequic 860/1 IA 923044
#JGTM Miss Bodena Signo 65TE 936737
Butler Farms Inc

In 2013 we went to Mexican International show in Acapulco and began our journey looking for genetics not available in the US. It was then that we saw our first Guzerat cattle and we fell in love with them. In Acapulco we met Jesus Quintanilla and made arrangements to buy and import JMQC Jequic 860/1 ABBA # 923044 also known as “Big Casino”. The Guzerat cattle are a dual purpose breed producing milk and beef and they are a major component in the dairy industry from Mexico through Central and South America. They are extremely hardy having survived for thousands of years in India.  Brazil has a tremendous number of Guzerat cattle being the major dual purpose breed utilized in their milk/beef industries. Butler Signo follows in his sires footsteps exhibiting volume, capacity and beef. His dam was imported from the Bodega Agropecuaria herd belonging to Juan Gabriel Trinidad. She is a tremendously long correct female that is rich in Guzerat Breed Character. Butler Signo can be used on Brahman cows to inject some much needed outcross blood for the Brahman breed or he can be used on Guzerat females to produce more purebreds to fill the need for the potential market in the US and in many foreign countries. His calves should be vigorous at birth (a trait of Guzerat) and possess hybrid vigor when bred to Brahman cattle. Get in on the ground floor of a potential market for these majestic, functional cattle. First Guzerat bull offered at public auction in the US.

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Sire - #JMOC Jequic 860/1 IA 923044
Sire - #JMOC Jequic 860/1 IA  923044
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Dam - #JGTM Miss Bodena Signo 65TE 936737
Dam - #JGTM Miss Bodena Signo 65TE 936737

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