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Lot 7 - BCC Lady Penny Manso 185/1 - Show Heifer Prospect

High bid
2 years 26 weeks 2 days 14 hours 31 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Lady Penny Manso 185/1
Sire: Mr. V8 388/8
Dam: Lady H Courtney Manso 224/1
BW: 1.8 WW: 28 YW: 48 M: 6 Act. BW: 86

The youngest of the group, BCC Lady Penny Manso 185/1 has enough growth and performance that you wouldn’t know she was the baby! Penny is such a special heifer with a great disposition, that she was affectionately named “Sweet P” by some that saw her. She made it to the show barn on more than her attitude though, as she’s a really high-quality heifer. Of the group, she may be the most genuinely rugged built female, standing on a large circumference of bone, being big ribbed and capacious through her center body, and explosive in her muscle pattern. When she gets on the profile, she combines all of these traits into a feminine and balanced package. From a pedigree standpoint, Penny’s mother, Lady H Courtney Manso 224/1, is a standout daughter of +Mr H Maddox Manso 684 and +SNS Miss Karu Didor 95, making her a full sibling to the International Champion, +Lady H Lisa Manso 947 who just produced the 2022 international champion grey female for Heritage Cattle Company. Courtney 224/1 was an impressive show cow in her time as well, being a National Show class winner as a pair. Penny’s sire is a Mr. V8 388/8, who we bought as a low birthweight bull for heifers, but have had tremendous calves out of and will be using often going forward. His success can be attributed to the famous cross that he’s out of, being a +Mr. V8 380/6 son on the top side of his pedigree and being out of a (+)JDH Woodson De Manso 206/7 daughter. Don’t overlook this one, she’s a good one!


Bentke Cattle Company retains the right to two (2) successful IVF procedures after the conclusion of the female’s show career at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense.

Other Lot Images
Dam: Lady H Courtney Manso 224/1
Dam: Lady H Courtney Manso 224/1

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