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Lot 7: BCC Lady Elvira 220/2 - Show Heifer Prospect

High bid
1 year 20 weeks 6 days 17 hours 32 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Lady Elvira 220/2
+MR. V8 933/7 
BW: 3.6 WW: 38 YW: 56 M: 6

Come back to the sale on this one! Lucky number 7 is what you like to see in Vegas, but here there’s no gamble – this one’s a sure thing! One that easily could have been the leadoff female in this sale, BCC Lady Elvira 220/2, has been a standout since she was a baby. From the profile, you’ve got to love her eye appeal, being long fronted and feminine about her head and neck, having extra stretch down her topline and being long and level hipped. When you step in behind her, it’s truly impressive how much width and dimension she has up top, how bold she is through her center rib, and how huge she is in her pin setting and through her stifle. You’ll notice later that Elvira is a flushmate to the bulls in lot 13, which confirms the quality and consistency of this mating. Not only is she phenotypically outstanding, her pedigree packs a punch too. She is sired by the outstanding performance sire, +Mr. V8 933/7 “Yeti” and out of a third generation BCC donor, BCC Lady Emma Manso 28/6. This combination was sought out because we wanted to combine BCC Emma 28/6’s extremely straight, level topline, moderate frame size, and depth of body with Yeti’s extreme growth and power. As a bonus, this pedigree combined the breed greats of +Mr. H Maddox Manso 684, +JDH Sir Shank Manso 51/7, +Mr. V8 191/7, +Miss V8 464/6, +JDH Sir Avery Manso and the original (+)JDH Karu Manso 800. Not a bad resulting pedigree from a mating selected solely for phenotype. This one’s tough to see go, but we sure do love to watch her walk away!


Special Notes


Started on halter and in show barn. Recommended for experienced showman.


Bentke Cattle Company is selling 100% possession and 50% breeding interest, consisting of retaining the right to one (1) aspiration per calendar year beginning after the conclusion of the female’s show career at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense.


Other Lot Images
Sire: +Mr. V8 933/7
Sire: +Mr. V8 933/7

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