If you are looking for the Power and Pedigree package in the sale we would say make sure and study this very feminine heifer here. Another very impressive BCC Maverick sired female with a little more kick on the bottom side. An own daughter of the very profitable Simbrah donor M9, that has done tremendous things for our partner Joe B in his program.
If we had to look for a heifer that would fit the pattern of that great female to be on track for producing excellent offspring and show career success this would be the heifer to do it. Extremely slick front end, great middle and muscle expression, all within a feminine package from end to end. This heifer has been one of the favorites for folks that have been visiting the sale pasture lately and we hope you have her marked in your sale books! She is eligible for the Simmental/Simbrah Superbowl and all Baring Cattle Company benefits. We also offer 2 units of semen from any bulls in our battery at the time of breeding for our clients.