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Lot 7 - 2 Eblasts and 2 Facebook Posts - Brahman Journal

High bid
9 years 1 week 3 days 14 hours 39 min ago

2 email blasts (value $600) and 2 Facebook posts on The Brahman Journal Face book page (value $100) for a total package value of $700. (Graphic time to create art for email blast not included. TBJ can create email blast for an additional $75.00 per hour graphic time.)

A BIG HEARTY THANKS goes out to Vicky Lambert, her hubby Carl and her great staff at the Brahman Journal for all that they do spanning the globe covering the Brahman World. Their email blasts and face book lists are huge and effective. I recommend them highly as they have worked for us every time we use them.

Vicly and Carl have been very supportive of our events, run our news releases, donate and bid in our silent auctions. A special THANKS for their support of The Brahman Foundation Raffle helping us get the word out to Brahman enthusiasts. MIL GRACIAS to Adelyn for her assistance helping us round up photos for that catalog.

100% of the proceeds will go to the La Muneca & Friends ANIMO Award that will be awarded every year at the AJBA All American Banquet to a unique AJBA member of any age that possesses what ANIMO stands for - spirit, commitment, desire, energy, passion, leadership and volunteerism. It will be a $1,000 award with the recipient being selected by the ABBA Youth Activities Committee Chairman, ABBA President, All American Coordinator, ABBA Executive Vice President and a Guerra Family Member. The funds are managed by the AJBA.


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