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Lot 7 - 017E1

High bid
6 years 25 weeks 5 days 10 hours 20 min ago
Lot Information:
Copperhead 915C1 reg 20150839
Harris 017/9 reg 1283997
Bw 1.40 ww 15 yw 23 hcw 17 rea .20 Growth $23

Bw 74
Ww 7-19-2018 649#


"This female has brood cow written all over her " one of my great mentors growing up was a great cow man named Oscar williams from Creasy farms when he said that statement you had better pay attention she is an eye catcher head turner and basically she has done everything I have wanted her to do at this point now she's ready make u a lot of money half sister to Ira barrow and Micah Morgan's reserve national champion 2017 jr show .the mother is T158 grid maker and like Delmo payne says did u say she had lil red angus in there count me in that means fertility,correct eye appeal
That's just the dam side Sire side here we go attention factor 915C1 San Jose now owns Sancho,copperhead silva 915
This female eye appeal depth of body is scary she walks like a cat a lot of female here she is as long as she is deep as she is massive she is going to make a stand in the Santa Gertrudis breed she will be a great donor she will work on several different lines of bulls
I will retain 1 flush guranteeing 6 transferable embryos we will discuss a time and place with the lucky new owner

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