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Lot 64 - Timothy Urbina - Swine

High bid
3 years 46 weeks 4 days 7 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Timothy Urbina
Club: Brighton 4-H
Weight: 252

Lot 64 - #38 -Timothy Urbina: My name is Timothy Urbina. I’m in the 6th grade at PECS. I live on the Brighton Reservation with my parents Jessie and Emma Urbina. I love to play sports (basketball, baseball, some football) I attend First Indian Baptist Church in Brighton. When I grow up I want to make video games. This year I am showing 2 heifers and a hog. My 2 year old bred heifers name is Sally, my yearling heifers name is RJ, and my hogs name is Bacon.

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