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Lot 6 - Walters Pedro 192/C

High bid
7 years 10 weeks 17 hours 19 min 22 sec ago
Lot Information:
Walters Pedro 192/C
JDH Mr Hammer Manso
BNA Miss Nel Manso 600/1
BW: 2.1 WW: 20 YW: 30.3 M: 1.7 Act. BW: 71
Bentke Cattle Company

Lot 6

Here’s a bull that is front pasture material! Walters Pedro 192/C is one that we see a lot of potential in and look forward to the affect he could have on any kind of program. I think that this is one of the most eye-catching bulls of the set. When you study Pedro from the profile, he gives you everything that you want to see, length from end to end, a jet level topline, balance, and that “show-look” that’s always in the winner’s circle. Pedro also stands on a super stout and correct set of feet and legs which let him get out and travel with ease. This is a larger framed bull who still maintains an adequate amount of body mass to go with his added frame score. I think when evaluating a bull of this quality, it’s important to take pedigree into consideration. 192/C, like lots 3-5 and lot 7 is sired by our senior herd sire, JDH Mr Hammer Manso 406/8 which gives him the backing of +JDH Sir Lawford Manso 616/6, (+) JDH Madison De Manso 737/4 and (+) JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5. His dam, BNA Miss Nel Manso 600/1, is a really nice female who is in production at Walters Livestock and is a full embryo sister to the Fort Worth Junior Show Grand Champion Female that Mary Kate showed a few years ago. She is sired by the +JDH Mr Tula Manso bull and out of the +Miss BNA Deacon’s Dream female so Pedro’s pedigree gives you a double shot of (+) JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847/5. Combining these great lines proved successful on paper and in person. Don’t miss out on this tremendous herd sire prospect!

Bentke Cattle reserves the right to collect 50 straws from this herd sire prospect in the future at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense.

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