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Lot 6 - SS Principe de Sugucan 87/8 x +Miss V8 209/6 - 3 Embryos

High bid
10 years 50 weeks 5 days 7 hours 14 min ago
Lot Information:
SS Principe de Sugucan 87/8 x +Miss V8 209/6 - 3 Embryos
SS Principe de Sugucan 87/8
+Miss V8 209/6

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

The donor, Miss V8 209/6, was the 2005 Reserve National Champion cow. When mated to +JDH Karu Manso 800/1 former National and International Champion bull, she produced the 2009 National Champion Bull Mr. V8 463.  Principe 87/8 is one of the most coveted +JDH Karu Manso 800/1 sons ever produced. He was the Grand Champion of Expica in Central American two consecutive years and has sired champion bulls and females in 9 different countries. Here is a chance at greatness and an opportunity to change the direction of your program !

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