SRW MR. FLYING W 323/8 is a moderate very complete bull with good length of body and hip . He is very clean sheathed and has good muscle in his rear quarter . 323/8 is a very gentle bull that is in top 5 % of breed for birthweight and top 3 % for calving ease epds . His dam has been a very productive cow for our ranch having had 10 calves in her 12 th year of age . 323/8 was above average on 4 of the 5 measured traits in the test . His sire is is JTB Holy Smokes 1257 who sired the top 3 high indexing bulls in the 2018 bull test . 1257 is in the top 2 % of breed for birth weight epd and top 1 % for calving ease and marbling . 323/8 will make a great commercial bull that has good maternal traits and calving ease in his pedigree .