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Lot 6 - PCC Southern Gal 97/8

High bid
3 years 21 weeks 4 days 10 hours 49 min ago
Lot Information:
PCC Southern Gal 97/8
Sire: DB Southern Style 1/180
Dam: Moreno Ms. Lady Mia Mae


In this sale we wanted to offer something for everyone.  We realize that many of the buyers in this sale will be breeders who are looking for something that is ready to go into production.  If you are interested in Red Brahman cattle you will want to study this opportunity.

PCC Southern Gal 97/8 is a heifer that we purchased to show.  She is the result of crossing genetics from Detering Red Brahmans and Moreno Ranches.  The sire to Southern Gal is a combination of +Mr. BF Iron Man 55/7 and +Mr. 3X-HK Oro Rojo 800 who have both sired numerous winners as validated by them reaching the Register of Renown.  The dam to 97/8 is by JDH Mr. Manso 991/4 who has sired show winners and top sellers for J.D. Hudgins-Forgason Cattle Company and Moreno Ranches. 

Not only is this outstanding bred female backed by a leading pedigree but she has a functional build that is big bodied, heavy muscled, and feminine.

Sells bred 8 months to RWT Relentless 835 #986798 an International Show Class Winner, 2018 Ft. Worth Calf Champion, and many time show winner.  Relentless is a full brother in blood to the RWT Hat Creek 832 “Raider” owned by B.R. Cutrer, Inc.  832 is the lowest birth weight and  highest marbling bull offered in the Brahman Country Genetic Bull Battery.

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