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Lot 6 - Mr H Tom Manso 193/8

High bid
4 years 51 weeks 3 days 11 hours 38 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr H Tom Manso 193/8
JDH Mr Monroe Manso 416/8
JDH Lady Trasha Manso
BW: 3.7 WW: 19.2 YW: 27.6 M: 4.5 CWT: 29 MARB: 4.82 REA: 0.37

ABW: 80

AWW: 500

Disp: 1

Mr H Tom Manso 193/8 is a big boy and is sure to add performance and growth to his calves. For many of you, Mr H Tom Manso 193/8 will soar to the top of your buying list based on his phenotype, others may still be on the fence about him.  Now, have a look at his pedigree (I love this part)...  Pretty cool family tree, right?  I honestly cannot think of another auction of any kind where a bull like Mr H Tom Manso 193/8 would be offered.  A 100% J.D. Hudgins pedigree made up of some of the greatest sires to wear the half circle L brand, including (+)Liberty 847, (+)Lawford 616, and (+)Datapack 563/5.  Friends, these are the type of opportunities that keep the Brahman breed exciting.  Imagine owning Mr H Tom Manso 193/8 and pairing him with some of the hottest U.S. bloodlines, (+)Woodson 206, +Noble 458, +Maddox 684, Kabram, +V8 380… you get the idea.  The bulls in this sale are Level 3 and will propel your program forward.

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