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Lot 6 - Miss WCC Janelle 107/4

High bid
9 years 45 weeks 4 hours 6 min 41 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss WCC Janelle 107/4
JDH Sir Garlan Manso 487/7
Miss WCC Colleen

PEDIGREE & PERFORMANCE! Take special note, this September heifer calf is the “sleeper” in the sale. She’s been through a hard winter but this heifer is gaining in body conformation and attention at the ranch! 


We’ve learned it is important to let the good ones go and while its hard to part with one like Miss WCC Janelle, we know she has potential to impact the future buyer’s breeding program for the better. Just look at this female, she’s striking in her overall appearance. Her length of side, attractiveness of neck and head combined with excellent bone, rib shape and massive hip structure are characteristics desired by any cattlemen.


What’s not to love about a female that combines some of the best genetics in the Brahman breed? Her sire, JDH Sir Garlan Manso 487/7 is represented by both +JDH Madison Manso 737 and +JDH Sir Liberty Manso 847. On the bottom side she goes back to +-GS Emperor Didor 135 and +Mr. V8 901/4.


Buy this heifer and hit the show road or use her as the cornerstone of a progressive breeding program. Miss WCC will not disappoint!


Miss WCC has been started on the daily show regiment and will be ready for pick up at the end of the month after weaning. WATKINS CATTLE COMPANY reserves the right to 1 IVF Aspiration after her first calf and at the convenience of the buyer.


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Sire: JDH Sir Garlan Manso 487/7
Sire: JDH Sir Garlan Manso 487/7

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