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Lot 6 - Miss RB185/6 “Lenora”

High bid
6 years 43 weeks 6 days 5 hours 34 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss RB185/6 “Lenora”
#JADT Mexicano
Miss M Pauline 384
RB Ranch

Miss RB185/6 “Lenora” IVF, is a really long heifer with heavy muscle on her loin area. Lenora possesses a wide and level hip with plenty of red meat on her rear quarters, she has real clean underlines with perfect feet and legs. Her femininity along with her gentleness are traits that distinguish this beautiful lady. Lenora is straight out of our show string, her sire is the ever popular Mexican Import bull #JADT Mexicano, an own +JDH Lawford son, sire of the upcoming sensation Mr. BER 427 “Trump” while her dam is one of our two most prolific donor cows at the Ranch, Miss M Pauline 384 out of the legendary +V8 777/4 “Powerstroke”. 185/6 has 9 Register of Renown in her pedigree.

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