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LOT 6 - Miss RB 901/5 “Petunia”

High bid
8 years 23 weeks 2 days 9 hours 38 min ago
Lot Information:
LOT 6 - Miss RB 901/5 “Petunia”
MS RB 939/9
BW: 1.9 WW: 23.2 YW: 37.0 M: 6.6

This full sister to Lot 4,  RB 893/5 cow, can be the best buy of the sale, she has momma cow written all over her. She is a full genetic package, you can breed this female to almost any bull and produce a show calf. She is growthy and very correct. “Petunia” is a full sister to Miss RB 789/5, 2008 Houston and World Congress Reserve Senior Champion. We have 5 clones of 789/5 that are in our donor program and also have Miss RB 145/7, a full sister to 789. Combined these 7 donors have 18 heifers in our show barn that we consider show prospects. Another full sister is Miss RB 769/4 “OMG”, owned and shown by Marco Moreno, she was named 2016 Rio Grande Valley Fair Reserve Junior Champion and 2016 Rio Grande Valley Fair Junior Show Reserve Grand Champion. Selling 100% and RB is reserving the right to one flush following her show career.

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