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Lot 6 - Miss L2 Sugar Didor 200

High bid
7 years 19 weeks 2 days 3 min 41 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss L2 Sugar Didor 200
Heifer calf; show prospect
GS Sugar Manso 505
GS Ms Docs Sugar 370
L2 Ranch

Lot 6

Miss L2 Sugar Didor 200

Here is a beautiful dark pigmented female that has a lot of mass. She is sired by the great –GS 505 bull who was the 2014 ABBA Show Bull of the year. Her dam is a Doc Holiday bred cow that is a top cow here at L2 Ranch. This March baby heifer is by far the calmest calf in the group and has been since birth. She would make a great calf for a first time junior. She is EXTRA gentle. Miss L2 200 is a heavy boned, long bodied, level hipped female with lots of femininity, she has excellent breed character. Juniors consider this heifer for your next purchase! L2 Ranch reserves the right to 1 successful IVF aspiration at our expense following the completion of her show career and 1 st natural calf.

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