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Lot 6 - Miss L2 Divas Dolly 137

High bid
7 years 45 weeks 4 days 8 hours 29 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss L2 Divas Dolly 137
Brahman Show Heifer Prospect
Mr V8 191/7
Miss V8 137/7
L2 Ranch

Ms L2 137

If this one doesn’t get your motor going there aren’t many that can. I know it is often said, “This female has it all,” she really does. A pedigree stacked from top to bottom of proven genetics. With both parents being an International Champion and 11 Register of Renown animals, do we need to say more? L2 137 is sired by the V8 191/7 an Avery son out of the great 464/6, an International Champion, as well as the 2008 World Brahman Congress Champion Female. 191 is also the sire of the 2017 International Champion bull Mr. V8 604/7 “Man of Steel” bull. 137’s dam is World Renown Female Miss V8 137/7 “Diva,” a 2 time International Champion. V8 137/7 is also the dam of the 2015 Show Cow of the Year, Miss L2 Divas Delilah 54. This female’s pedigree includes Liberty, Avery, Charley, Karu, Dakota, and Superstroke, just to name a few! This female is so easy to look at, all you will want to do is just stare at her in awe of her beauty she really is gorgeous. She will be a herd bull Maker. She is good. Selling 50% breeding interest and 50% possession. L2 Ranch will continue to show 137 until the end of her show career at our cost.

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Sire - Mr V8 191/7
Sire - Mr V8 191/7
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Dam - Miss V8 137/7
Dam - Miss V8 137/7

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