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Lot 6 - Miss KI 146 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
1 year 42 weeks 1 day 23 hours 56 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss KI 146
Sire: +Mr. V8 146/8
Dam: Miss V8 866/7

Miss KI 146 is a beautiful red tinged heifer that is long, level, ultra-feminine, and thick ended. Study her pedigree and you will quickly realize that she is backed by THE most proven and popular genetics in the breed.  The sire to this eye appealing female is the ONLY three-time International Champion and now proven sire as validated by him reaching the Register of Renown with his first calf crop, +Mr. V8 146/8 "Sloan".  As most know these genetics are rarely available making this an exclusive opportunity!  The dam to Miss KI 146 is a former show heifer and now proven cow that is sired by the #1 Register of Renown Sire +Mr. V8 380/6 and out of the dam to the many time champion, performance trait leader, and proven sire +Mr. V8 442/6. Miss V8 866/7 has been used successfully by La Muneca Cattle Co. to produce two herd sires & one of their top donors and us producing our 2022 Brahmans at the Camellia consignment, a full sister to 146 that sold for $18,000, and others.    Don't miss this opportunity to purchase a female that can be a herd influencer!

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Sire: +Mr. V8 146/8
Sire: +Mr. V8 146/8
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Dam: Miss V8 866/7
Dam: Miss V8 866/7

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