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Lot 6 - Miss K-K Polled 104/0 "Hazel" (P)

High bid
4 years 10 weeks 4 days 6 hours 18 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss K-K Polled 104/0 "Hazel" (P)
Sire: Mr. V8 794/7 (P)
Dam: LMC LF Polled Elma 214/4 (P)
Show Heifer Prospect
Consigned by: K Bar K Cattle Co.

Miss K-K Polled 104/0 “Hazel” (P) is the first ever sole consignment to be offered by the Sellman Family and they could not have started with a better one!  “Hazel” is just a May baby and will soon be weaned, prepared and available for pick up.  Not only does this female have an outstanding phenotype but she is backed by one of the most proven and popular pedigrees in the breed. 

The sire to “Hazel” is Mr. V8 794/7 who has been one of the most widely used polled sires in the breed over the past three years.  Many will remember 794/7 gracing the cover of The Brahman Journal as well as part of the V8 Ranch showstring.  Mr. V8 794/7 is sired by the Reserve International Champion, sire of an International Champion (Mr. V8 604/7 “Man of Steel”), and multiple trait leader, +Mr. V8 191/7.  The dam to 794/7 is Miss V8 510/6 who is also the dam to +Mr. V8 279/7 and Miss V8 100/7 (the dam of “Noble”).  You must admit that 794/7 brings some outstanding genetics to the table in a polled package but the dam to Hazel is equally as proven and impressive!  LMC LF Polled Elma 214/4 (P) is one of the top daughters of +Mr. V8 279/7 in existence due to her phenotype and proven production.  Elma is the dam to the 2019 Reserve Grand Champion Female at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show as well as the young herd sire Mr. 4F Polled Ice Man 3/6 that is owned jointly by England Cattle Co. and 4F Cattle Co.  As you view the pedigree of “Hazel” you will realize that she is double bred Miss V8 510/6 who is one of the most proven cows in the breed based on her production and as a result of this “stacked” pedigree “Hazel” ranks in the top 11% of the breed for Milk and in the top 1/3 of the breed for Growth.

There is no doubt that “Hazel” is the pick of the flush and should have a promising future based on her phenotype, pedigree and performance indicators.  If you are serious about breeding “good cattle” that are polled be sure to mark “Hazel” as a must have!


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Sire: Mr. V8 794/7
Sire: Mr. V8 794/7
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Dam: LMC LF Polled Elma 214/1
Dam: LMC LF Polled Elma 214/1

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