Miss BER Penelope 967 is a full sister to Lot 4 – Miss BER Famous Little Jet 965. Another extremely good heifer in terms of her conformation. She is out of the National Grand Champion Bull TRUMP 427 who is a 2-time ABBA Premiere Show Bull of the year. The dam to Trump 427 JDH Goudeau Manso 130/0 is the ABBA number 2 cow for producing Register of Renown. Trump produced the 2021 Grand Champion Get of Sire and the Calf Champion Female. JDH Goudeau Manso 130/0 produced the Grand Champion Grey Bull at the 2022 All American. These are some of our best genetics that we have to offer. We will help with breeding decisions if needed. This heifer took a real good photo and is halter broke and gentle. The Dam of this lot is Miss RB 909 is Sired by the great JDH 281/4 bull.