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Lot 6 - Miss BER Caitlin 731

High bid
3 years 44 weeks 5 days 9 hours 35 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss BER Caitlin 731
Sire: LCHS 95/5
Dam: Miss BER 431

Miss BER Caitlin 731 is long bodied and has that show ring style and up headed look that every judge wants to see.  She is just pure good!! Her Dam is BER 431 who was a division winner at the International show in Houston and her Grandmother was an International Champion for us in Houston Also. This is as Royal as it gets with 9 register of Renown’s in her Pedigree. Her Sire is A JDH Woodson Manso 206 son who is used worldwide producing champions around the world. 

Bullseye Ranch retains the right to one flush on this female.
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Sire: LCHS 95/5
Sire: LCHS 95/5

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