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Lot 6 - LMC Apollo Amigo 100/3

High bid
9 years 33 weeks 12 hours 54 min 59 sec ago
Lot Information:
LMC Apollo Amigo 100/3
LMC Apollo 265/9
JDH Lady Manso 20/5
BW 0.2, WW 4.0, YW 9.3, Milk 3.7

Consigned By: La Muneca Cattle Co.

LMC Apollo Amigo is a big boned, dark pigmented horned son of LMC Apollo out of one of our best JD Hudgins cows that has produced some great cattle for us. We sold her first baby doll as a show heifer to the Salyer Family from Wharton. We also sold a great young herd bull son named LMC Polled Boss sired by +LMC LF Ambassador to the Kempfer Family from Florida. George Kempfer tells us that they are very pleased with Polled Boss's calves. They are one of the more progressive Brahman and commercial producers in the business.

LMC Apollo is the biggest framed POLLED bull we have produced to date. He was sired by Pistolero and our JDH 20/5 donor cow sired by +JDH Charley's Jazz. Apollo's calves have shown and sold well. Look at the photo of LMC Polled Goodness below; she is a champion Apollo daughter. This bull is 3/4 JDH and double-bred +JDH Charley's Jazz, a very popular JDH Herd Sire. His dam is moderate and super correct - see her photo below.  She has another herd bull on her now by LMC Polled Samson. 

Apollo Amigo is two years old, fertility tested and ready to go work. He is halter broke and should make a solid herd bull.

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Dam - JDH 446/5 is one of our best JDH cows.
Dam - JDH 446/5 is one of our best JDH cows.
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Sire - LMC Apollo owned with Brasher-Rodriguez (semen available)
Sire - LMC Apollo owned with Brasher-Rodriguez (semen available)
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LMC Polled Goodness is a paternal sister owned with La Reina Cattle Co.
LMC Polled Goodness is a  paternal sister owned with La Reina Cattle Co.
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LMC Polled Boss is a maternal brother owned by Kempfer Cattle Co. of Florida
LMC Polled Boss is a maternal brother owned by Kempfer Cattle Co. of Florida

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