LMC Alexa 209/7 is selling is safe in calf to JDH MR Manso 43/1
She is bred right, built right and is supported by a stout pedigree being sired by LMC Polled Integrity whose dam raised us five herd bulls. His sire is our GO TO SIRE, +LMC LF Ambassador who has done it all for us. Polled Integrity spent three years in Kansas and did our good friend Kelly Barnard a great job. The Polled Integrity daughters are much like their aunts sired by Ambassador in that they are good mamas, with good udders and are heavy milkers. One of the fanciest heifers I have seen this year is in the K-K Show barn sired by LMC Polled Integrity and the many times champion LMC LM Polled Daisy.
Alexa’s dam is a good-looking cow that we bought from the Schneiders. Her sire, JDH Carlos Manso is one of only three Brahman bulls whose heads I have seen mounted, the other two being Manso and +5P Balia 659. This good looking cow has been very productive and goes back to two Hall of Fame JDH Sires, (+)JDH Madison de Manso and (+)JDH Marri Manso.
4F and LMC will provide two units of semen and one ABBA AI Certificate on any of our available sires for the new owner to AI this female to.