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Lot 6 - Lady L Reina Rojo 138

High bid
9 years 18 weeks 2 days 19 hours 46 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady L Reina Rojo 138
TO's Red Zone 99/9
Miss Rojo 3/2
4L Cattle

Lady L Reina Rojo 138 is a long sided May born female with a tremendous amount of extension through her front end. If you like your red heifers with a plethora of breed character and a double shot of one of the greatest female producing red bulls of all time +HK Passport 777, then take a look right here

Her maternal Grandsire is BB Mr Red Commander 143. He is a son of Passport and out of the great donor CB Ms Bailey’s Fancy 123. Her sire, Red Zone 99/9 is a full sib to HK Paragon, an own son of 777 and out of the famous +Miss 3-S 788 female.

Reina is extra gentle and a complete sweetheart.

She will be cosmetically dehorned for the buyer prior to delivery.

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Lot 6 - Lady L Reina Rojo 138
Lot 6 - Lady L Reina Rojo 138
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TO's Red Zone 99/9

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