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Lot 6 - Lady L Berkley 345 

High bid
5 years 48 weeks 6 days 13 hours 17 min ago
Lot Information:
Lady L Berkley 345 
+JDH Sir Shank Manso 51/7 
Miss J&M Sexada 65/0 

If you’re in the market for a feminine made female with a little extra power, take a look at this +Shank 51/7 daughter. Study her video and watch as she floats across the pen with ease.  As a maternal sister to Lot 3, being out of our 65/0 donor, will give Berkley an additional “shot” of cow power. The combination of being sired by a powerful son of +JDH Sir Lawford Manso 616, and out of a daughter of the great +JDH Karu Manso 800, make Lady L Berkley 345 an exciting package! 

*Berkley will be cosmetically dehorned* 

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