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Lot 6 - JDH Mr Manso 521/1

High bid
2 years 42 weeks 4 days 3 hours 43 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Mr Manso 521/1
Sire: JDH Mr Manso 840
Dam: JDH Lady Manso 388
BW: 4.7 WW: 30 YW: 45 M: 6


JDH Mr. Manso 521/1 is one of the most powerful bulls in the sale that is the heaviest boned, big bodied and heavy muscled.  This high growth bull took after his sire the 2014 National Champion and proven sire as evidenced by him reaching the Register of Renown, +JDH Mr. Manso 840 “The Graduate”.  You have seen several offspring by 840 in this sale and rightfully so as we use him heavily each year both naturally and via artificial insemination.  It should be noted that 840 is a full brother to +JDH Mr. Manso 854/4 who also was a successful show bull and now one of the most proven sires around the world.  The dam to JDH Mr. Manso 521/1 calved at 30 months of age and on a regular basis afterwards indicating her fertility.  JDH Lady Manso 388 is a full sister to our herd sire JDH Mr. Manso 416 further adding genetic value to this young sire.  If you are looking for the sire that is backed by some of our most maternally oriented genetics then mark this bull as the one to buy!

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Sire: +JDH Mr. Manso 840
Sire: +JDH Mr. Manso 840

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