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Lot 6 - JDH Lady Manso 930 (C 914581) 

High bid
11 years 17 weeks 5 days 10 hours 23 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Manso 930 (C 914581) 
JDH MR MANSO 779/4 (B 845587)
JDH LADY MANSO 338 (C 872789)
BW: 3.4 WW: 15.4 YW: 26 M: 5.2

A beautiful, moderate framed, dark pigmented female, 930 is thick made with a lot of volume and capacity. This gentle heifer looks great on the lead. She travels on a correct set of feet and legs and has clean lines. 930 is sired by one of our leading AI sires, 779/4 “Fred”, who is a Ranger son out of a Charley’s Jazz cow. 930’s dam is a daughter of 579/4, out of a Charley bred female. Here is an excellent opportunity for those wanting a gentle female with a powerful pedigree.

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