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Lot 6 - JDCC Mr. 0345 - UBB Registered Brahman X Hereford F-1 Bull

High bid
2 years 47 weeks 13 hours 49 min 38 sec ago
Lot Information:
JDCC Mr. 0345
UBB Registered Brahman X Hereford F-1 Bull
Sire: JDH Mr. Manso 90/1
Dam: EGN Amelia 16W 14X 42A


This Brahman X Hereford F-1 Bull comes from the herd of Jacob Dufrene (one of the triple sons).  Jacob has assembled a small herd of Hereford cows that he breeds to our Brahman bulls.  These Braford bulls are raised with our Brangus and are backed by the same superior genetics.  You have to LOVE this tiger striped white face bull that is moderate framed, heavy muscled, and deep ribbed.  If you have a set of black cows that you want to add some growth and heterosis to give this guy serious consideration.


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