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Lot 6 - J7R EPI 108/1

High bid
2 years 48 weeks 2 days 21 hours 56 min ago
Lot Information:
J7R EPI 108/1
Horned Grey Brahman Heifer
Sire: Mr. V8 274/7
Dam: J7N EPI 401/8
BW: 2.0; WW: 29; YW: 48; Milk: 6


Selling Full Interest and Full Possession

OK folks, if you are looking for a competitive show heifer for the next show season, pay close attention to J7R EPI 108/1.  This heifer puts it all together and is as gentle as they come.  EPI 108/1 has a fantastic disposition, she’s deep sided, with heavy muscled and walks as proudly as she can.  108/1 will undoubtedly be competitive in the show ring but our belief is that when it’s all said and done, she will be a great momma/donor cow.    

Dam to J7R EPI 108/1 is J7N EPI 401/8, which is a LMC LF Ambassador 700/7 daughter and our JR Clairissa Manso 693 donor cow.  Ambassador has done a fantastic job for many breeders of polled genetics, especially La Muneca Cattle Co. and Louie Flores.  Ambassador produced LMC Polled Passion 55/4, the 2016 Reserve International Grand Champion and LMC Polled Spice 47/1, the 2013 Scholarship winner in San Antonio.  Clairissa Manso is out of the great herd sire, +JDH Astro Manso 518/4, who produced a National Champion Get of Sire and International Champion Produce of Dam. Astro was the 2009 International Reserve Grand Champion Bull and 2010 Grand Champion Bull is Ft Worth, San Antonio and the Miami International shows.

The sire to J7R EPI 108/1 is Mr. V8 274/7 (George).  George is known to have the best disposition, and it shows in EPI 108/1, and produces heavy muscled calves while being performance oriented. 

La Morra Cattle is retaining the right to an IVF Aspiration to collect a minimum of 6 transferable embryos on J7R EPI 108/1.  Collection will be at the owner’s convenience and the seller’s expense.

Calf Scramble Certificates accepted


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sire – Mr., V8 274/7
sire – Mr., V8 274/7
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dam – J7N EPI 401/8
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maternal grand dam – JR Clairissa Manso 693
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maternal grandsire – LMC LF Ambassador 700/7
maternal grandsire – LMC LF Ambassador 700/7

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