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Lot 6 - J7N Hope H01

High bid
3 years 51 weeks 1 day 14 hours 56 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Hope H01
Polled Purebred Simbrah Heifer
Sire: J7N Cruzan C44
Dam: LMC BETM Walflower
ASA # 3861544
BW: 4.1; WW: 61.5; YW: 97.2; API: 78.2; TI: 52.1
Consigners – La Morra Ranch

Selling Full Interest and Full Possession

J7N Hope is a casualty of the pandemic which led us to not sell any show heifer prospects this past year.  But make no mistake, this red blazed heifer will certainly be an asset to any breeding program.  She is rich in pedigree credentials and phenotypically, Hope is solid.  This show quality heifer has a “gooseneck” to go with her clean underline and spring of rib. 

J7N Hope is sired by our J7N Cruzan bull, which is a LN LMC 12th Man son that has done a superb job for us and for Baring Cattle Co, as you will see in their sale offerings.  12th Man was National Percentage Grand Champion and is known for passing along power to his off springs.  Baring Cattle Co was so impressed with Cruzan’s performance that they purchased him and now roams in their pastures.

J7N Hope’s dam is our LMC BETM Walflower donor.  She’s the dam of J7N LMC Adelante, J7N Yours Truly and J7N Cleopatra, just to name a few.  Walflower heifers are definitely the “keeper” kind.

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Sire – J7N Cruzan
Sire – J7N Cruzan
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Dam – LMC BETM Walflower
Dam – LMC BETM Walflower
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Paternal Grand Sire – LN LMC 12th Man
Paternal Grand Sire – LN LMC 12th Man
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Son – J7N LMC Adelante
Son – J7N LMC Adelante

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