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Lot 6 - Female Sexed Semen: Mr. V8 195/8

High bid
2 years 12 weeks 17 hours 32 min 10 sec ago
Lot Information:
Female Sexed Semen: Mr. V8 195/8
Female Sexed Semen
Donor: Heart BC Brahmans
Sire: +Mr. V8 458/7
Dam: +Miss V8 917/7

Purchase Price = 3 X Bid

Rare Offering of FEMALE SEXED SEMEN on a PROVEN sire!!! Mr. V8 195/8 “Red Man” is sired by +Mr. V8 458/7 "Noble" and out of +Miss V8 917/7, a Register of Renown donor from V8 Ranch’s famous Rose cow family.  Most know that “Noble” sired more champions than any other sire over the past four years including the ONLY three-time International Champion.  +Miss V8 917/7 is a +Mr. V8 380/6 daughter out of +Miss V8 209/6, a former Reserve International Champion Female, making “Red Man's” dam a full sister to Mr. V8 183/7 "Gator", Mr. V8 520/7, and many other breed influencers.
Mr. V8 195/8, "Red Man" was the 2019 All American Reserve Grand Champion Bull for Baylie Clay of Heart BC Brahmans and his flushmate full sister, Miss V8 671/8 was Grand Champion Female at the 2019 All American for Madison Peterson.
Mr. V8 195/8, "Red Man" is a bull that has tremendous muscle and bone and is very correct on his feet and legs. He will breed RED or GRAY and offers unlimited breeding potential.
The progeny of “Red Man” have won numerous championships over the past two years resulting in him entering the Register of Renown.
The Clay Family has been a significant contributor to The Brahman Foundation and the American Junior Brahman Association.
Package includes three straws of female sexed semen with 3 AI Certificates.  Additional certificates can be purchased for $100/certificate.

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Sire of numerous award-winning progeny
Sire of numerous award-winning progeny

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