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Lot 6 - Churchill Lady 4351B

High bid
9 years 44 weeks 2 days 21 hours 41 min ago
Lot Information:
Churchill Lady 4351B
RST Times A Wastin 0124
UCC 6160 Kimberly 8001 ET
BW 2.3 WW 55 YW 87 MM 24 REA .49 MB .22


This is the maternal sister to the Krebs heifer that was so popular and was Reserve Grand in Denver!  these two sisters share a lot of the same traits and Lot 6 is in the same condition as the Krebs heifer was a year ago.
this girl is only 5 months old, and has already been weaned so you have to look for the future with her.  All the parts and pieces are here with a great shape, strong top, beautiful sweep to her rib, and that great front third that her sister has!
She has beautiful color and pigment and markings.  the Times A Wastin females are making great cows.  Can you imagine showing her in the cow calf division?  Wow!
She is in the top 25% for BW, WW, YW, and MM and top 15% for carcass.
Retaining two future flushes at sellers expense and buyers convenience.

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