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Lot 6 - Churchill Lady 3297A

High bid
10 years 47 weeks 5 days 3 hours 46 min ago
Lot Information:
Churchill Lady 3297A
H H Perfect Timing 0150 ET
Churchill Lady 6171S ET
BW: 1.2 WW: 41 YW: 69 M: 27 REA: 0.54 MARB: 0.13

This is a September polled heifer that is moderate, deep, thick, and stout.  She is a Perfect Timing daughter and those heifers out of him have been extremely popular breed wide!

This girl is out of a power cow that has done a great job for us.  This heifer gives you a great number package to work with also.  If you want a show heifer that will always look the part at every show, here she is!
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