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Lot 6 - Ayres Eva 472

High bid
12 years 23 weeks 6 days 12 hours 44 min ago
Lot Information:
Ayres Eva 472
Connealy Final Product
Ayres Eva C430
BW: 2.1 WW: 54 YW: 93 M: 19

472 has cow power written all over her.  Big bodied, soft made, and sound are a few ways to describe this high performing Eva.  She stems from the same cow family as Montana Upgrade and Revival.  Her dam is a 2 year old New View cow that stemmed from our embryo program, her maternal sister is our foundation Eva, 4U Eva Impact FB 311, the granddam of both "Revival" and "Montana Upgrade", no other female on the place has naturally produced more ROV Grand Champions.  Her Lemmon Impact granddam was flushed successfully at 17 yrs of age.  EVA 472 will be an excellent cow after her purple ribbons fade.  Ayres is retaining a one time flush right at their cost and at the buyers convience

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