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Lot 52 - Tommie Osceola - Swine

High bid
3 years 46 weeks 4 days 5 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Tommie Osceola
Club: Hollywood 4-H
Weight: 272

Lot 52 - #28 - Tommie Osceola: My name is Tommie Osceola, I’m a member of the Seminole Tribe 4-H Club. This was my first year participating. I was excited to have Pork Chop as my project. But let me tell you having a light colored swine isn’t easy to keep clean. Pork Chop was a lot of work. Cleaning his pen, feeding him every day and training him took time and taught me how to be more responsible. I’m gonna miss Pork Chop. He was fun to have.

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