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Lot 5 - Unnamed / Unbranded

High bid
7 years 23 weeks 6 days 14 hours 49 min ago
Lot Information:
Unnamed / Unbranded
Polled Brahman Herd Bull Prospect
+LMC LF Ambasssador 700/7
LMC +S Polled Madonna 274/1
BW 1.9, WW 16.8, YW 25.7, Milk 4.8
La Muneca, England & Kelly Barnard

This double smooth polled herd bull prospect sells unbranded and unnamed with the new owner having the opportunity to pick from our brand or their own to brand this bull. You can also name him. He is a full sib to the 2016 Reserve International Champion LMC Polled Passion and LMC Polled N Pretty. His dam sells at Lot 3.

One of the things that has always impressed breeders about the Polled Madonna cow is her phenomenal length. This calf will get longer and longer as he develops.

He has a lot of bone, muscle, pigment, breed character all supported by a great pedigree. He was raised in a drought so look for him to take off as he gets on feed.

He is a paternal brother to LMC FCC Polled Amigo, LMC Polled Authority, LMC Polled Dakota, LMC Polled Future, LMC Polled Leader, LMC Polled Integrity and many others working throughout the Brahman World. The Ambassador and Pistolero cattle cross extremely well with each other and make very productive cattle. He could be homozygous polled.

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 - Sire - Register of Renown +LMC LF Register of Renown
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- Full sister owned by ELC Cattle Co.
 - Full sister owned by ELC Cattle Co.
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- Paternal brother - LMC FCC Polled Amigo owned with JDH - Forgason Cattle Co.
 - Paternal brother - LMC FCC Polled Amigo owned with JDH - Forgason Cattle Co.

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